Monday, February 23, 2009

Music and Critical Thinking

In the area of Music, critical thinking comes into play a majority of the time.  When it comes to Music Theory, one must be able to analysis the chord structure and relation between the notes before being able to understand what is happening throughout the piece.  Being able to understand what is happening in the piece is extremely important because it relates to how the performer is going to perform the piece.  In addition, when it comes to individual instruction, the whole hour is critical thinking.  Of the course of the hour long lesson, the instructor breaks down every technical passage and makes you think of what every limb, muscle, and bone is doing during that passage.  Critically thinking about the basic movements exhausts your brain and really trains you to mentally focus.

Goldhagen and the Pope

In Goldhagen's article regarding Nazi Germany and Pope Benedict the XVI, he compares the Pope's mind-set to the mind-set of Nazi Germany.  Even though Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, also known as Pope Benedict the XVI, was raised in an anti-Nazi family, he joined the Hitler youth.  Through the article, Goldhagen is comparing the relativism of Nazi Germany to the relativism of Pope Benedict the XVI.  As relativism relates to Nazi Germany, Hitler believed that only one type of race should exist in the world.  Therefore, concluding to the Holocaust and the mass-slaughter of everyone who was something besides a white, blonde hair, and blue eyed human being.  On the other hand, as relativism relates to Pope Benedict the XVI, he believes that Catholicism is the only way to God and his Heavenly Kingdom.  Therefore, was the Pope as corrupt as Hitler from a theological point of view?  

Tuesday, February 3, 2009



So, I really am happy about the song that I chose, and really have not changed any of my ideas and thoughts for this paper.  As stated in the previous blog, the song really dismembers the California Dream and is a very interesting song to analyze.  The thesis that I have chosen to go with is as follows: The song, "Breath," by The Pardon, disproves the idea of the "California Dream," through an actual experience of the artists' fiancee, who followed the "dream," and in the end, lost everything.  From there, I discuss certain lines from the song and relate them to real life examples and places that can be found in Southern California.  Well, I hope to post another blog soon so keep checking back!  Thank you!